Online Sermons

Online Sermons

Displaying 926 - 950 of 1268

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
01/24/16 Does Jesus Care? Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM T187_20160124.mp3 Jesus_does_He_care.ppt
01/24/16 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM T188_20160124.mp3
01/17/16 Why Be a Christian? Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM T185_20160117.mp3 Christian_why_be_a.pptx
01/17/16 Love One Another Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM T186_20160117.mp3
01/10/16 Placing Membership Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM Membership_placing.pptx T183_20160110.mp3
01/10/16 Eldership Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM T184_20160110.mp3
01/03/16 Is Your Life Proof of God's Will? Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM T182_20160103.mp3
12/27/15 Prayer Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM T181_20151227.mp3
12/27/15 Goals for 2016 Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM Goals_2016_sinners.pptx
12/20/15 Putting Christ Where He Belongs Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM T179_20151220.mp3 Christmas_and_Lords_supper_final_presentation.pptx
12/20/15 Resurrection and the Patriarchs Luis Zamora Sermon N/A Sun PM T180_20151220.mp3
12/13/15 Fruit of the Spirit Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM T177_20151213.mp3 Fruit_of_the_Spirit_presentation.pptx
12/13/15 Where Could I Go? Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM T178_20151213.mp3
12/06/15 The Work of the Holy Spirit Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM Work_of_the_Holy_Spirit_at_Woodmont.ppt T175_20151206.mp3
12/06/15 "God Isn't Fixing This?" Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM T176_20151206.mp3
11/29/15 Truth - Subjective of Objective? Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM Truth-_Objective_or_Subjective.pptx T173_20151129.mp3
11/29/15 Godly Exercise Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM T174_20151129.mp3
11/22/15 Why We Believe the Bible is God's Word Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM Bible_Why_We_Believe_it_is_Gods_Word.ppt T171_20151122.mp3
11/22/15 Is What We Have in Our Bibles the Word of God? Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM T172_20151122.mp3 Bible_is_it_really_Gods_word_updated.ppt
11/15/15 Scriptural Use of the Lord's Money Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM Treasury.ppt T168_20151115.mp3
11/15/15 Courage Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM T169_20151115.mp3
11/08/15 Some Causes for Religious Error Kyle Austin Sermon N/A Sun AM T166_20151108.mp3
11/08/15 Some Things for Which the Church Stands Caleb Austin Sermon N/A Sun PM T167_20151108.mp3
11/01/15 "The Faith" and My Personal Faith Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM Faith_the_presentation.pptx T163_20151101.mp3
11/01/15 Man Questions God's Performance Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM T164_20151101.mp3 Man_Questions_Gods_Performance.ppt

Displaying 926 - 950 of 1268

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