Gospel Meetings

Gospel Meetings

Displaying 51 - 75 of 122

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
09/17/17 The Wise & The Foolish Builder Caleb Austin Fall Lectureship 2017 Gospel Meeting T371_20170917.mp3
09/17/17 The Good & The Evil in the World - Parable of the Wheat & Tares Steven Locklair Fall Lectureship 2017 Gospel Meeting T372_20170917.mp3 Parable_of_Wheat__Tares-_Woodmont_presentation.pptx
09/17/17 Diligently Seeking the Treasure - Parable of Hidden Treasure & Pearl Ian Tilley Fall Lectureship 2017 Gospel Meeting T373_20170917.mp3
09/16/17 Reception of the Gospel - Parable of the Soils Kyle Austin Fall Lectureship 2017 Gospel Meeting T370_20170916.mp3
04/13/17 Is Instrumental Music Authorized in the Worship Today? Leroy Klice N/A Gospel Meeting T324_20170413.mp3 INSTRUMENTAL_MUSIC-Authorized_Leroy_Klice.ppt
04/12/17 Who Determines Right and Wrong? Leroy Klice N/A Gospel Meeting Who_Determines_Right_and_WrongLeroy_Klice.ppt T323_20170412.mp3
04/11/17 Christ and the Church Leroy Klice N/A Gospel Meeting T322_20170411.mp3 Christ_and_the_church_Leroy_Klice.ppt
04/10/17 Baptism Leroy Klice N/A Gospel Meeting T321_20170410.mp3 Baptism_Slides_Leroy_Klice.ppt
04/09/17 Who Needs to Hear Gospel of Christ? Leroy Klice N/A Gospel Meeting GOSPEL-WhoNeedsToHear_Leroy_Klice.ppt T318_20170409.mp3
04/09/17 Searching For the Impossible Leroy Klice N/A Gospel Meeting T319_20170409.mp3 Searching_For_The_Impossible_Leroy_Klice.ppt
04/09/17 Church Discipline Leroy Klice N/A Gospel Meeting T320_20170409.mp3 Church_Discipline_Leroy_Klice.ppt
04/08/17 Soul Saving Gospel Vs. Social Gospel Leroy Klice N/A Gospel Meeting GOSPEL-Saving-Vs_Social-_Leroy_Klice.ppt T317_20170408.mp3
10/05/16 False Doctrines Refuted in Acts 2 Amos Long N/A Gospel Meeting 7_False_Doctrines_Refuted_in_Acts_2.pptx T271_20161005.mp3
10/04/16 Is Christ Divided? Amos Long N/A Gospel Meeting T270_20161004.mp3 6_Is_Christ_Divided.pptx
10/03/16 Does God Approve of the Worship Band? Amos Long N/A Gospel Meeting T269_20161003.mp3 5_Does_God_Approve_of_the_Worship_Band.pptx
10/02/16 Must We Sin? Amos Long N/A Gospel Meeting 2_Must_We_Sin.pptx T266_20161002.mp3
10/02/16 God's Plan of Salvation Amos Long N/A Gospel Meeting 3_Gods_Plan_of_Salvation.pptx T267_20161002.mp3
10/02/16 Led By the Spirit Amos Long N/A Gospel Meeting T268_20161002.mp3 4_Led_By_The_Spirit.pptx
10/01/16 The Bible Is Relevant Today Amos Long N/A Gospel Meeting 1_The_Bible_Is_Relevant_Today.pptx T265_20161001.mp3
09/24/15 God's Remedy For Worry Jeremiah Cox N/A Gospel Meeting Gods_Remedy_for_Worry.pptx T150_20150924.mp3
09/23/15 Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World Jeremiah Cox N/A Gospel Meeting Raising_Godly_Children_in_an_Ungodly_World.pptx T149_20150923.mp3
09/22/15 When We Are Tempted Jeremiah Cox N/A Gospel Meeting When_We_are_Tempted.pptx T148_20150922.mp3
09/21/15 Faith in the Working of God Jeremiah Cox N/A Gospel Meeting Faith_in_the_Working_of_God.pptx T147_20150921.mp3
09/20/15 In This Manner, Therefore, Pray Jeremiah Cox N/A Gospel Meeting In_this_manner_therefore_pray.pptx T144_20150920.mp3
09/20/15 One Body, One Spirit Jeremiah Cox N/A Gospel Meeting One_Body_One_Spirit.pptx T145_20150920.mp3

Displaying 51 - 75 of 122

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