Gospel Meetings

Gospel Meetings

Displaying 76 - 100 of 122

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
09/20/15 In This Manner, Therefore, Pray Jeremiah Cox N/A Gospel Meeting In_this_manner_therefore_pray.pptx T144_20150920.mp3
09/19/15 He Hardened His Heart Jeremiah Cox N/A Gospel Meeting He_Hardened_His_Heart.pptx T143_20150919.mp3
05/03/15 Who Are the Samaritans? Luis Zamora N/A Gospel Meeting T105_20150503.mp3
05/03/15 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Luis Zamora N/A Gospel Meeting T104_20150503.mp3
05/03/15 Altar of Witness Luis Zamora N/A Gospel Meeting T103_20150503.mp3
05/02/15 The Bible: A Trustworthy Transmission Luis Zamora N/A Gospel Meeting T102_20150502.mp3
05/02/15 When Did the Church of Christ Begin? Discussion Luis Zamora N/A Gospel Meeting T101_20150502.mp3
05/02/15 When Did the Church of Christ Begin? Lesson Luis Zamora N/A Gospel Meeting T100_20150502.mp3
05/01/15 Who Is My Neighbor? Luis Zamora N/A Gospel Meeting T099_20150501.mp3
04/30/15 Jesus Displays His Perfect Patience Luis Zamora N/A Gospel Meeting T098_20150430.mp3
03/08/15 Ecclesiastes 1 - Search for Meaning in Life Steven Locklair N/A Sun PM T083_20150308.mp3
10/09/14 His Grace Reaches Me John Isaac Edwards N/A Gospel Meeting T040_20141009.mp3
10/08/14 By Way of Remembrance John Isaac Edwards N/A Gospel Meeting T039_20141008.mp3
10/07/14 Why Stop The Chariot? John Isaac Edwards N/A Gospel Meeting T038_20141007.mp3
10/06/14 When the Day of Pentecost Came (second part) John Isaac Edwards N/A Gospel Meeting T037_20141006-1412647999.mp3
10/06/14 When the Day of Pentecost Came John Isaac Edwards N/A Gospel Meeting T037_20141006.mp3 T036_20141006-1412647733.mp3
10/05/14 Jesus Began to Do and Teach John Isaac Edwards N/A Gospel Meeting T035_20141005.mp3
10/05/14 Is It Too Much for You? John Isaac Edwards N/A Gospel Meeting T034_20141005.mp3
10/05/14 Soul Winning John Isaac Edwards N/A Gospel Meeting T033_20141005.mp3
10/04/14 What a Blind Man Saw John Isaac Edwards N/A Gospel Meeting T032_20141004.mp3
04/24/14 The Spirit of Absolom John Robertson N/A Gospel Meeting T106_20140424.mp3 Prezi-1398390931.exe
04/23/14 Psalms John Robertson N/A Gospel Meeting T105_20140423.mp3 Prezi-1398304845.exe
04/22/14 The Eternal Word of God John Robertson N/A Gospel Meeting T104_20140422.mp3 Prezi-1398218904.exe
04/21/14 A World of Suffering John Robertson N/A Gospel Meeting T103_20140421.mp3 Prezi-1398194308.exe
04/20/14 Self Control John Robertson N/A Gospel Meeting Prezi-1398037475.exe T102_20140420.mp3

Displaying 76 - 100 of 122

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