Online Sermons

Online Sermons

Displaying 451 - 475 of 1268

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/17/20 Who Do You Trust? Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM Trust_who_do_you.presentation.pptx
05/10/20 Don't Be Conformed to this World Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM Worldly_vs._Godly-_Hand_clapping_presentation.pptx
05/03/20 God's Power is Perfected in Weakness Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM Power_is_Perfected_in_Weakness.pptx
04/26/20 Devoted to Prayer Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM Prayer_devoted_to.pptx
04/19/20 Flattening the Curse of Sin Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM Flatterning_the_Curse_of_Sin-_Coronavirus.pptx
04/12/20 What Must You Do to Come to Jesus Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM Come_to_Jesus_what_must_I_do_presentation.pptx
03/29/20 What We Can Learn from the Present Distress Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM Coronavirus_Distress_learning_presentation_final.pptx
03/22/20 The Cure for Worry Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM Worry_presentation_dealing_with_Coronavirus.pptx
03/15/20 The Prescription for the Spiritual Pandemic of Sin Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM Pandemic_of_Sin-_Coronavirus_presentation.pptx T651_20200315.mp3
03/08/20 What Will Motivate You to Save Souls Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM What_will_motivate_you_to_save_souls.pptx T650_20200308.mp3
03/08/20 He is Able to Deliver Thee Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM T649_20200308.mp3
03/01/20 There is a Habitation Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM There_is_a_Habitation.pptx T648_20200301.mp3
03/01/20 Overcome Your Enemies' Deception with the Truth Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM Deception_overcome_with_the_truth_presentation.pptx T647_20200301.mp3
02/23/20 The New Song Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM The_New_Song.pptx T646_20200223.mp3
02/23/20 Stop Complaining Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM T645_20200223.mp3 Complaining_stop_presentation.pptx
02/16/20 Sing On, Ye Joyful Pilgrams Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM T644_20200216.mp3 Sing_On_Ye_Joyful_Pilgrims_Autosaved.pptx
02/16/20 God's Promise to Abraham (Great Land) Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM T643_20200216.mp3 Gods_Land_Promises_to_Abraham_presentation.pptx
02/09/20 There's a Rainbow in the Cloud Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM Theres_a_Rainbow_in_the_Cloud.pptx T642_20200209.mp3
02/09/20 Weary and Exhausted Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM Weary_and_Exhausted.pptx T641_20200209.mp3
02/02/20 One Step at a Time Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM T640_20200202.mp3 One_Step_at_a_Time.pptx
02/02/20 God's Promise to Abraham (Great Nation) Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM T639_20200202-1580692507.mp3
01/26/20 Lead Me Gently Home, Father Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM T638_20200126.mp3 Lead_Me_Gently_Home_Father.pptx
01/26/20 As in the Days of Noah Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM T637_20200126.mp3 Noah_as_in_the_days_of_presentation.pptx
01/19/20 God Created the Heavens and Earth Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun AM God_created_heavens__the_earth-_presentation.pptx T635_20200119.mp3
01/19/20 The Great Redeemer Steven Locklair Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Great_Redeemer.pptx T636_20200119.mp3

Displaying 451 - 475 of 1268

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